Thursday, 24 December 2020


 DAY 11

I went off in search of some PlastiKote paint at B&Q's superstore in Bolton but was disappointed to find none. A member of staff thought they'd gone bust and recommended an alternative from Rust-Oleum. It was an all surface paint and they had a pretty good hull colour called Crimson Red, so I picked up two and took them to the checkout. 

OMG they were £15 each!! 😲😲

Fortunately, there was a Doctor in the queue and he helped revive me from my feinting episode. £30 lighter, I left the store and wobbled my way to the car. Back at home I decided to do the painting outside in the garden or I'd have ended up with paint all over my garage. Thankfully, it was dry outside but bloody cold (yes, I only wore a t-shirt in winter)

I applied a couple of coats (sanding in between) and the hull is now back indoors drying for 24hrs. I will sand it once more with 3000 grit wet and dry before applying a final coat. I feel like I could go on forever because every time I look at the hull after painting, I find gaping imperfections. One more coat and it is what it is!

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